Chess is largely based on theory. However, there is still room for creativity and beauty. The Ruy Lopez is the oldest and most popular chess opening studied and played. It has appealed to players because of its stability and reliability. For white it offers open lines and plenty of lines of attack while for black a solid position is ensured. It has often been regarded as the best opening system for white. Early on the bishop was played to b5 to capture the knight and then capture on e5. Of course, over time, people realized the threat to the e5 pawn was illusory and Qd4 gets the pawn back with an equal position. The opening was named after a priest who mentioned the opening in his works and played it often. White can opt for a closed or an open game, another feature that appeals to players. Black can also try to control the center with Nb8/Na5 followed by c5. A lot of the battling in the opening takes place on the queen side(usually), but a brave player can expand on the king side as well.
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