Quantum mechanics has astounding applications and implications. It is literally why a rock thrown at a wall may just go through it rather than bounce off it(quantum tunneling). Let's start with economic applications. Opportunities and changes in markets are unpredictable. They appear and disappear much like virtual particles in a vacuum. If quantum mechanics is cracked, then people would be able to predict and analyse economic behavior accurately and hence would become billionaires. Quantum tunneling can revolutionize stealth and infiltration. Of course in theory this is close to impossible as quantum tunneling occurs once in probably a trillion instances. QM has a few negative effects as well. Moore's law, which states that computing power doubles every 18 months has an expiry date as the size to which a transistor(a switch) can be shrunk is limited. At really small scales quantum effects start taking place and electrons 'leak' out of atoms which can cause irregularities in electrical conduction. In theory, quantum uncertainty and the Schroedinger's cat effect can even keep us immortal!
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