Brains or robots?

The brain with its complex tangles of neurons has been often compared to artificial intelligence. While computing power and ability to solve problems may be common, there are vast differences between the two. Robots can transmit impulses or orders at close to light speed, but these orders may not be the best decisions and they may lack the appropriate context. A chess computer, for example, is much more superior than a person when it comes to tactics. However, a computer is close to average when it has to adopt long-term strategies and plans. There's only that much we can program machines with, after a point they're on their own and when they're on their own they're close to useless. Common sense(lacked by 75% of the world population), is an intangible asset which causes us to deviate from pure logic and often make very accurate decisions. A robot may be programmed to find out if people are lying, but they cannot decipher if people are lying for a diplomatic reason or for a better result.
