The future

Everything is attainable through technology. This is true. However people do not tend to highlight the adverse effects of tech, not just in terms of the radiation etc but in the field of robotics where numerous movies have spoken about robots rising through the ranks and taking over human beings. In the movie, Captain America, the main nemesis of the world was HYDRA. HYDRA was founded on the belief that humanity couldn't be trusted with its own freedom and so a dictatorial rule was the only path out. In the movie' I,Robot', all the next gen robots were hardwired with Isaac Asimov's 3 laws which govern a robot's existence. Yet, a few robots and a computer brain got smart enough to find loopholes in the laws and use the same logic to try and imprison humans. Common sense the what we all the human conscience are the only things standing between robots and human intelligence. Right now, a millipede could solve a problem faster than even Blue Gene, IBM's second fastest computer. Paul Ulam, a famous mathematician once devised a theory of how humans may 'outdo' themselves by producing very advanced robots which develop so much intelligence that they make copies of themselves and so on until the universe is consumed by electricity. This is known as an AI singularity. The best explanation for why robots mess with their internal computing is probably from the movie 'I,Robot'. It was said that there are always ghosts in the machine, random segments of code that group together and start new processes. This could also be an explanation for computer viruses. Once the robots figure out why they were there where they were, it will be a short step from there to the undeniable logic of human sacrifice. It's all a matter of electronics.
