Physics can be regarded as the 'older and quicker brother' of engineering and technology. From miniaturized integrated logic circuits to the torque of machines, physics pervades it all. With greater understanding of subatomic particles and electricity etc, the day where we access the Internet with our mind may not be far away. The silicon transistor is the fundamental particle of all electronic devices and is responsible for stoppage or allowing a current to flow. An important rule of computers is called Moore's law, after one of the founders of Intel. It states that computing power doubles every 18 months or so. This is simply because the size of transistors which we put in computers grows smaller and smaller every year or so and so an increased number of transistors means more computing power. IBM is one the tech conglomerates which holds this principle more than any other company as it produces some of the fastest supercomputers worldwide. Roadrunner located in Texas is so far the fastest, able to make a quadrillion calculations a second! Chips as we call them will soon be able to be implanted in our brains as Michio Kaku said which will allow us to access the Internet and even heal ourselves. Already, we have beta type mini MRI machines with which you can scan your body in case of a fracture or something and perform a diagnosis. Google has come up with its revolutionary glasses with which you can search for something and the results will be in front of your eyes. Moore's law will eventually cease to operate as you cannot make a transistor which is smaller than an atom. However the main idea here is size reduction and simplicity of effort. Also it would be cool to simply order something from amazon by just moving your hand. Stay tuned for the next post on Artificial intelligence (AI).
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