The new physics

General relativity with its rubber sheet fabric analog describing space time was an amazing theory postulated by Einstein. It was the foremost theory explaining gravity and the distortion of time. It is still a well respected theory but it doesn't cover all the aspects of quantum physics and it doesn't completely provide a Grand Unified Theory(GUT). Hence, in the last decade or so, a new field called quantum mechanics has come up which describes the behavior of particles at the micro level. An important part of quantum mechanics is Heisenberg's uncertainty principle. It postulates that the more you know about a particle, such as its position, the less you can know about another property, like its velocity. This arises from what Planck said, which was that an energy emitting source emits energy in 'lumps', or packets called quanta of energy. The product of the uncertainty of the velocity of the particle, its mass, and the uncertainty regarding its position can never be less than a quantity known as Planck's constant. This is an important quantity which can be used to calculate the wavelength of radiations. A significant property of a particle is called its spin. This describes how the particle looks like from different directions. These are divided into 2 categories, matter particles and force particles. Force particles have 0,1, or 2 spin while matter particles have 1/2 integer spin. This value predicts that force particles( especially mass less ones) have long range and are volatile. Due to this, they jump in and out of existence, called their fluctuations. This fluctuation gives rise to exotic matter, which actually has negative energy! This matter is present between two metallic plates placed a billionth of a meter apart and causes them to attract to each other; this is now called the Casimir effect. Theoretically, exotic matter is also required to keep Einstein-Rosen(wormholes) open. String theory is the closest we have to a Theory of Everything (T.O.E). It says that space contains tiny strings which are one dimensional and have a length called the Planck length. These strings vibrate and mass and everything else is formed to due characteristic vibration of the strings. Dark matter is matter present in space which is physically invisible, but it does exist due to the gravitational and even radioactive waves they emit. Dark matter makes up about 22% of the cosmos, while our visible universe makes up only 0.4% of it. This is for those who think our Earth is at the center of the universe. Dark matter now may hold key to discovering the origins of the primordial universe which may even contradict the big bang theory singularity theory. Or will it be sting theory which unlocks the mysteries of time, gravity, and dimensions
