
What do you look for in Pokemon? Speed? Looks? Resistance to damage? I myself think speed is of utmost importance. You can always teach the Pokemon good moves, or feed it calcium etc to improve its base stats, but speed is a quantity which cannot be enhanced a lot by just medicine. A decently quick Pokemon like Jumpluff  cannot become as quick as a Floatzel or something by giving it vitamins. That would be a waste of a lot of money. Instead, teach it moves which can increase its speed like agility, although Jumpluff cannot learn it by leveling up. The ability to attack before the opponent makes the user feel very confident. Sorry to all slowpoke evolutionary line users but no one cares about you guys. And guys, attack (both physical and special) is also important especially when combined with moves like swords dance and nasty plot. Look for stats people and not just the cool factor, like Serperior, which is awesome but one of the most useless in battle.

Weavile, with extremely high base speed and attack.                        Scizor, with really high base                                                                                                                     attack and decent defense, a good                                                                                                              physical tank.
