Building blocks

Prime numbers are indeed the building blocks of all numbers as they act as the smallest of subatomic particles as they are indivisible. Many theories have been made by mathematicians regarding the scattering pattern of primes among numbers. One such theory states the number of primes between 2 numbers; it is known as Gauss's estimate, formulated by Carl Gauss. Taking a number 'n', the number of primes between 0 and n is given as n/In 'n'. In 'n' is the natural logarithm of 'n' where the base is not 10 but a constant called 'e'. It isn't accurate but it provides a close estimate. One of the most famous of all unproved theories is the Riemann zeta function or the Riemann hypothesis. It is a classical function and it has not been proven till today. A prize of $100000 will be given to anyone who does. This is a such an interesting topic as prime numbers find their utility in areas such as encryption systems. These systems use very very large numbers which have 2 or more large prime numbers as factors. Without the decryption key, it is nearly impossible to crack the code. Hence for more info on primes and unsolved and solved math problems, stay tuned.
The function which is a number s taken in and used up till infinity. Algebra students will know the symbols..
