This post is mainly for regular chess players. The queen is often taken to be the strongest piece on the board. Arithmetically speaking, this is true as it is valued at 9 points. It also can move like a rook as well as a bishop thus controlling a large number of diagonals and ranks. However there have been many many games where people have won without this piece. I am a member of, a popular chess playing site. I remember a game where my opponent was winning but I had 2 pawns left. My king supported them and they appeared to be passers. (A passer is a pawn which can reach the 8th rank without obstruction and convert to another piece). I kept my cool and kept my king on the right side of the pawns and succeeded in queening one of them, hence winning the game.
This was to encourage players who lose their queens early in the game to not feel dejected as if play continues without blunder, the remaining pieces like the versatile knight can regain lost territory. Remember, the queen is only as strong as its weakest ally! The queen also needs support from minor pieces such as the rook. Just ask Magnus Carlsen and don't take my word for it.
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